The Streaming Struggle

Spotify Considering Major Restrictions on Free Tier
Spotify is the streaming equivalent of the early 2000’s Napster debacle. 

Yet again the music industry has no idea what it’s doing and is stupidly stumbling all over itself.  It’s like Napster was the toddler years and now we’re in the awkward and rebellious teen stage with streaming. Good news is they’ll grow out of it, right?

Spotify is finally catching on and realizing that free, or close to free doesn’t work. It’s called stealing and slave labor. Own up and pay up. Support the artists that complete your life and make you happy. It’s not cheap making music and it takes a whole lot of dedication, a whole lot of love, and a whole lot of courage. There are folks out there that invest nothing, doing mindless work that get a larger income than most musicians. 

Here’s hoping to the future.

And remember, keep it sounding right!

One comment

  1. Teresa Garcia · August 13, 2015

    I totally agree! Being paid is a reward that the musicians rightfully deserve and it’s mandatory. Imagine doing something you love careerwise and it doesn’t get appreciated or supported. People take music for granted. Music has been a part of me since I was born and I can’t imagine life without it. I made sure that my children also learned to appreciate it as I do. Music is spiritua. “La musica es el alma de pueblo” Music is the soul of the town. – Jose Marti


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